Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - February 8-12

This week at WMES

February 8, 2021
Dear WMES Families:

Please remember to check the Daily checklist for Covid19, or do the online check in with Public Health if you have any concerns before sending students to school each day.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome to our WMES staff, Melanie Kennedy, a Fine Arts Drama Specialist for the Lockview Family of Schools.  Ms. Kennedy and her service dog, Karma have their office at WMES. Karma has already begun to meet some students and you may start to hear about her at home.  Karma is a working service dog and Ms. Kennedy has begun visiting classes to introduce herself and Karma to students.  Students are learning how to ask for permission from both Ms. Kennedy and Karma before they can approach her.  We are very fortunate to have them join us.

February 8 – 12th is Friendship / Kindness Week at WMES!
Monday – “Wear a positive message” Day                Kindness Rules!
Due to the snow day today we would like to invite students to wear their positive messages any day this week.
Tuesday – “Sparkle” Day                                             Let’s Shine WMES!
Wednesday – “Emoji” Day                                   How are you feeling today? J
Thursday – “Comfy/Cozy” Day                       Wear your coziest/feel good outfit
Our PTC has organized a donation of Tim Horton’s Hot chocolate and a cookie treat for all of our students on Thursday afternoon.  Thanks PTC!  Please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you would like to send an alternate treat for your child that afternoon.
Friday – “Be my Valentine”                                   <3 Wear Red/Pink today  <3
Don’t forget to save your Valentines to give out at home on the weekend.  Thank you!
February is Registration Month –
• Please be sure to remind friends and family that it is Registration Month.  If someone you know has a child ready to start Primary or Pre-Primary in September they should be registering this month.  Thank you.

February 15th is Edward Francis Arab Day / Family Day.  There is no school on this day for students.  We are very fortunate to have Edward’s second cousin working at our school as our SLP.  Students will learn a bit more about him this week through a slideshow she created.  Thanks Ms. Alexander.

We hope that everyone had an opportunity to enjoy the snow today.  We’d like to send out a huge thank you to our WMES caretakers for the great job they did clearing the sidewalks/ stairs around the school. Thank you!
Don’t forget your snow gear tomorrow.

Important links for your information:
• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
• Remember to check the Daily checklist for Covid19, or do the online check in with Public Health if you have any concerns before sending students to school each day.

Take care & stay safe
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES