Waverley Memorial

Updates: Back to School June 3rd!

This Week at WMES Updates– June 2

Dear families:

  • A reminder that all students, Pre-Primary to Grade 5, need to wear masks (in school and on the bus) when they return tomorrow .  If you need cloth masks please let us know and we will give them a new one at school.
  • Our cafeteria will not be reopening this school year.
    Please be sure to pack lunches and snacks for June.  Thank You.

  • If you are picking students up throughout the day please use our Kiss and Go Loop.
    When you arrive at the school, call, 902-860-4150, and someone will bring your child to the Kiss and Go Loop.
    If you have anything to drop off throughout the day you can also call from the Kiss and Go Loop. Someone will come out to pick it up.
  • A reminder to return borrowed school materials (chromebooks/chargers, math bags, books, etc.) when you return tomorrow.
  • Please be sure to check out the updated Daily Covid-19 checklist, and review each morning before sending students to school.
    We continue to follow Public Health Guidelines, and if students are not feeling well they should stay home.
  • All students are expected to wear cloth masks when they return to school.  Bandanas and “gator style” masks are not approved by Public Health.
  • We will be spending as much time outside as possible for the next few weeks.  Please be sure to send students to school with sunscreen and bug spray already applied.  Staff cannot apply the sunscreen or bug spray here at school.  If you send in “extra” for your student to re-apply please be sure that it is unscented.
  • We also encourage all students to bring a water bottle to school each day.  Our fountains are not accessible for drinking, but our water filling stations are available for refills.
  • Next Tuesday, June 8th, we are asking all of our students/ staff to please wear orange as we take a moment of silence to honour the memory of the indigenous children in Kamploops, BC last week.
    We recognize that we have much work to do to begin the process of healing in Canada.
  • If you know you are moving and will not be attending WMES in the Fall can you please let us know as soon as possible.  Also, if you know of any families who have moved to your area that may have school-aged children, please encourage them to contact us to register for September as soon as possible.

Important links for your information:

WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca

Stay Safe everyone!  See you tomorrow.

Mrs. Wolfe