Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - September 20 - 23

This Week at WMES
Week of September 20th-23rd

Dear WMES families:

Picture Day:   Picture Day has been rescheduled to October 25th. 

Cafeteria: Please be sure to update your student’s information (Current class and teacher) when placing an order so that the lunches are delivered to the correct classrooms.

Safety Updates:

  • Our first Fire drill last week went very smoothly.  Students were very respectful and they evacuated the building quickly and quietly.
  • This week we will have our first Lockdown drill.  Please read this letter to help explain the importance of this practice. 
  • Our first Hold and Secure Drill  will take place next week.  


  • Bus Evacuations will also take place sometime before the end of October.  All students will participate in a school bus evacuation drill, even if they are a walking student.
    Each year, our transportation service providers lead these safety drills with students during school hours to ensure they know what to do if they need to evacuate the bus in an emergency. School staff will be present during these drills to support students.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of our safety drills, please feel free to contact me.


Important Information required:

  • Updated Registration Information:  All students will be bringing home a completed registration form this week with the information we have currently in our system.  Please check over this form carefully to make sure that all of the information is current, and correct.   (email addresses, contact numbers/information, emergency contacts, early dismissal information).
    Please make any necessary changes and highlight them so that we can update our system asap
  • Acceptable Use Policy Consent Form:  You will also receive an “Acceptable Use Policy Consent Form”. Please also  return this form asap so that we know if we are able to use photos of your child as we share good news stories from school on our Twitter account @WMESchool or on our webpage.  Please be sure to check the box to indicate whether we have permission or not.


Morning Drop Off Reminders:

  • Our small loop out front is for quick “Kiss and Go” drop offs.  If you choose to use this loop please do not get out of your car. A staff member will be there to assist your child.    If you need to get out of your car you can park in either of our two parking lots, or you can pull into the larger bus loop - once all of the buses have exited. 

After School Pick us:

  • A big thanks to everyone for waiting to pull in for after school pick ups until our buses have left.  We really appreciate everyone’s help to keep our school grounds safe.  When pulling into the bus loop after the buses have left we ask that you please pull up all the way around, and do not park on the inside of the loop. This helps the traffic to flow and avoids back up onto Rocky Lake Drive.  

PTC meeting: Our First Parent Teacher Cooperative (PTC) meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 28th at 6pm.   We will meet in our cafeteria.  all are welcome.  Our PTC helps to plan special events and fundraisers for our school.

SAC meeting: Our first School Advisory Council (SAC)  meeting will take place at 7pm - immediately after the PTC meeting.  We are looking for new members this year, so if you are interested please join us.  More information about the role of the SAC can be found on our website.

Thanks everyone. 

Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

September 29th - Wear orange today to support Truth and Reconciliation Day!
September 30th - Truth and Reconciliation Day - No School


Have a great week everyone.

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen