Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - January 16-20th

This Week at WMES
Week of January 16-20

Dear WMES families:
Our January calendar can be found on our webpage.  

  • Please ensure that students have indoor sneakers at school.  Students can not participate in Physical Education classes without proper footwear.  Please let us know if you need assistance acquiring sneakers or proper outdoor gear.  We can help.


  • Morning Drop offs -
    The main bus loop is available for drop offs only between approximately 7:50am (after the buses have finished) and 8:30am.
    If you are dropping a student off at school after 8:30am we ask that you please use the Kiss and Go loop and have students walk over to the main door. 
    If you do not want them to walk over on their own you can give us a call at the office (902-860-4150) and someone will meet them at the side door. 
    PLEASE do not drive into the main bus loop after 8:30am for drop offs.



  • A number of students have been bringing outdoor equipment / toys to school. 
    We would like to remind everyone of a few things before you allow students to bring an item from home to school:
    We can not guarantee that items will not be lost or damaged when they come to school.  Please ensure that your student understands this.
    Any larger items (balls/ mini sticks) are not permitted on the school bus unless it is in a bag/backpack.  Bus drivers have the right to refuse to allow loose items on the bus. 
    If items begin causing concerns at school the student will be asked to stop bringing it to school, or the item could be held at the office until someone from home is able to pick it up.
    Items that come from home should be school appropriate. (ie. nerf footballs, not real footballs, soft playground balls, not baseballs, etc.)
    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and ask before allowing an item to come to school.



  • Recess Change - for the next few weeks we are moving to one recess break from 9:35 - 9:50am.   Most classes will be participating and the staff will review before March Break to determine if we will continue with this format or if we will return to two recess breaks (9:30-9:45 & 9:45 to 10am).

  • Literacy Week (January 23-27th): See attachment for more details.

Monday-  Wear Red today to kick of the Lunar New Year!
Tuesday- “Read my shirt” day  and “Poem in my Pocket” Day
Wednesday-  Bring your favorite book to share with a friend today
Thursday-  Thankful Thursday - We are going to write positive notes to share with our School Community today!
Friday - Family Literacy Day   It’s Comfy/ Cozy Reading Day today.  We’re going to find some friends and Drop everything and Read all over the school! 



  • If you are in need of COVID testing kits or masks please let us know.  We can send some home - or you can drop in to pick them up.


Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

January 23-27th - Literacy Week at WMES
February 20th - Heritage Day - No School

Have a great week everyone.
Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen