This Week at WMES - June 3-7
This Week at WMES
Week of June 3-7, 2024
Dear WMES families:
Our June calendar can be found here.
Spring Fling/ Fun Fair Save the Date:
Our annual Spring Fling is on June 12th from 5:30 - 7:30pm.
Please sign up to volunteer here:
As you are aware, plans for our school’s annual Fun Fair are well underway. To help contribute, students in the school from grade Pre-Primary to Five are planning to assemble baskets for the Theme Basket Raffle. Students are invited to bring in small items to their teacher between now and Friday June 7 for their contribution.
The themes, along with a few suggestions, are as follows:
- Outdoor Fun – outdoor toys, bubbles, chalk, skipping ropes, sun products
- A Day At The Beach - inflatable toys, water toys, towels, water bottles, sunscreen
- Gift Cards – $5.00 gift cards to local businesses
- Candy & Snacks - licorice, chips, candy
Thank you again for your support in making our Fun Fair an enjoyable and memorable occasion for the school community.
FYI’s From the Provincial Code of Conduct:
We frequently talk to students about the Provincial Code of conduct and how our school rules and expectations are rooted in this document. In elementary school we are building the foundations for expectations that will follow our students through the Public Education system in Nova Scotia, so we thought it would be beneficial for our families to also be a part of the conversation.
This week we are looking at the definition of Cyberbullying. Recently we've had to speak to a number of students about things that are happening online at home that are then affecting student learning the next day at school. Please take a minute to read the definition, and have a look at the documents that are posted on our webpage (linked below). If your child is active online (social media, gaming, etc), it is so important for us all to work together to provide them with the information they need to stay safe and to interact with their peers appropriately on these platforms.
What is Cyberbullying:
Cyberbullying means any electronic communication through the use of technology including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, computers, other electronic devices, social networks, text messaging, instant messaging, websites and electronic mail, typically repeated or with continuing effect, that is intended or ought reasonably be expected to cause fear, intimidation, humiliation, distress, or other damage or harm to another person’s health, emotional well-being, self-esteem, or reputation, and includes assisting or encouraging such communication in any way.
Please see more information on navigating social media and technology on our website.
HRA (Halifax Regional Arts) Registration is live!
Please check the HRA website to access free music programming for students interested in Band, Choir, or Strings.
Auditioned ensembles will have details embedded in the Registration Page and on the website pertaining to the activity.
Access the Registration Page through our website:
Additional information:
Band Plus:
Upcoming Dates for your calendar:
June 5 - Class Trip 3M and 34B
- Primary Orientation 9:30 - 10:30am
June 12 - HRA Strings performance for our Grade 3 students
- Spring Fling 5:30-7:30pm
June 14 - Halifax Public Libraries visiting all classes re. Summer Reading Program
June 17 - Class Trip - All grade 4's
- Class Trip - All grade 5's
June 18 - Field Day for PP-5 students
June 19 - Class Trip PBC and P1WM
- Class Trip 23FS and 12D
June 20 - Class Trip - 1J and 12D
June 21 - Last day for cafeteria
June 25 - Rain Date for Field Day
June 26 - 10 am - Domino Show - whole school
June 26 - Grade 5 Celebration / Ceremony
June 27th - Assessment Day - No School for students
June 28th - Last Day of School for students (10am dismissal) Report Cards emailed home today!
9am - Final Assembly - Kick off to Summer
For new students: Registration for the 2024-25 school year.
Visit the HRCE website for more information and to enrol your child today through PowerSchool Enrollment!
Thanks everyone. Have a great week.
Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen