Spring Fling June 12th, 2024
Our annual Spring Fling is on June 12th from 5:30 - 7:30pm.
Please sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B45AEA72BA0F8C34-49723977-2024
Basket Raffle information:
Dear Families, May 2024
As you are aware, plans for our school’s annual Fun Fair are well underway. To help contribute, students in the school from grade Pre-Primary to Five are planning to assemble baskets for the Theme Basket Raffle. Students are invited to bring in small items to their teacher between now and Friday June 7 for their contribution. The themes, along with a few suggestions, are as follows:
Outdoor Fun – outdoor toys, bubbles, chalk, skipping ropes, sun products
A Day At The Beach - inflatable toys, water toys, towels, water bottles, sunscreen
Gift Cards – $5.00 gift cards to local businesses
Candy & Snacks - licorice, chips, candy
Thank you again for your support in making our Fun Fair an enjoyable and memorable occasion for the school community.