This Week at WMES- December 9-13

This Week at WMES
December 9-13

Dear WMES families:


Medication Reminders:  

  • If students require prescription medication at school please note that we require paperwork to be completed before it can be administered.  You can come into the office to pick the forms up, or call / email Ms. Fizzard to get a copy emailed home to you. 

  • Non-prescription medication (over the counter medication) can not be administered at school.   Someone from home would have to come and administer medications like Tylenal, Advil, or any other medication that you have picked up on your own.  

  • If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. 


Winter Weather:

Please ensure that students are coming to school dressed / prepared for whatever our Nova Scotia weather is throwing at us each day. We will always try to get outside as much as possible each day, and students having boots, snow pants, rain gear, hats, mitts, etc. helps us all enjoy the weather together safely.

If your child does not have indoor sneakers at school yet this year - it’s time to send them please.  Wet, snowy, muddy boots are not permitted in the classrooms as they create a mess and safety concerns.  Also, students cannot participate in physical education class in boots or other footwear.

If you need help with acquiring boots, snow pants, or any other gear please reach out to Mrs. Wolfe.  We can help! 🙂 

Our Lost and Found is once again over-flowing.  So if you are missing items, please feel free to come in and check for them. They will be donated over the break.


Food Drive…. Food Drive…. Food Drive….

We are having a food drive all this week.  The Lions Express will be picking up our donations on Friday morning.  Please send items to the office and help us help our local community this holiday season.   Thanks.


Pizza and Garlic Finger kits - First come first serve - $12  

We have some “Make your own Pizza” kits, and some “Make your own Garlic Fingers” kits still available. 

Let us know if you would like some.


Holiday Concert - December 17th - Important information -Please Review

Holiday Concert Tickets for December 17th:

  • All students in grades Pre-Primary to Two and those in choir will receive 2 concert tickets for the afternoon performance and 2 tickets for the evening performance.  
    Show times are: 

    • December 17th - Matinee 12:30-1:15 pm 

    • December 17th - Evening 6:30-7:15 pm 


  • Tickets will be sent home on December 12th. 


  • If you would like extra tickets for our Holiday Concert you can request them here: 

    December 18th is reserved as a storm date in case any of the shows are cancelled.  


  • Seating:
    You must have a ticket to attend each show so that we can adhere to Fire Marshall regulations for our gymnasium.


  • Our PTC will be holding a Raffle Draw for front row seats if you are interested. Tickets can be ordered at SchoolCashOnline (


  • Tickets are free, however, we will have a donation box available at the door.  Any proceeds collected will go to our Music Program.


Thanks everyone.  Have a great week.   

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen


Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

December 12-  Concert tickets for students in PP-2 + choir members go home

December 16 -  Front row winners announced / contacted

December 17 -  Holiday concert (Student in PP to Grade 2)  + the Gr. 3-5 choir

December 18 -  Snow date for concert

December 20-  Last day of classes for 2024  Wear comfy cozy clothes today

January 3, 2025   First day back to school for students