Dear families:
With the current weather forecast, we have some important reminders in case of an early dismissal tomorrow:
- Please contact your child’s teacher or send a note to let us know your plan for dismissal time (student will be picked up, or student will be riding the bus). We cannot put students on the bus without confirmation from an adult that someone will be home.
- If your child does not come to school tomorrow, please be sure to mark them absent on the Safe Arrival system. This will save us extra phone calls in the morning, and we greatly appreciate it. 😊 For more information on how to use the system:
- If school is cancelled at any point through the day, we will unfortunately have to cancel our Family Movie night that is scheduled for tomorrow evening.
Thanks for helping us be prepared in case of a disruption, and here’s hoping the forecast improves and we can celebrate the 100th day of school and our Family Movie night tomorrow.
Mrs. Wolfe