Waverley Memorial

April 26th - Important Update

April 26th, 2021

Dear families:

I'm sure than most of you are aware by now that the Provincial Government has decided to close all schools in the HRM beginning today.  Online learning for students will begin on Thursday.  Staff will be working at school over the next two days to get ready.

Many students came home today with personal items and some things they will need for at-home learning.  Others may need to make an appointment to pick things up at school over the next few days.

Here's what you need to know right now:

  • There is no school Tomorrow, Tuesday April 27th, or Wednesday, April 28th for our students.


  • Online learning will begin on Thursday.  Classroom teachers will be in touch by Wednesday afternoon with their online schedule for Thursday and Friday, and then a new schedule will be sent home each week that we are learning online.


  • Student supplies will be able to be picked up at school, but you will need to make an appointment to pick items up.  More information on how to make an appointment to drop by the school for pick-ups will come home later today or early tomorrow. Please watch for an email with this information.
  • If you need to borrow a chromebook from school we will also be sending home a new form to fill out. Many family's circumstances have changed since last Fall when we originally collected this information, so we are asking you to let us know by the end of the day tomorrow if you would like to borrow a chromebook from school. (The link will be sent home by early tomorrow morning).

Thanks for your understanding.  Keep an eye on our website for updated information.

We hope to see you all again very soon!

Karla Wolfe