Waverley Memorial

WMES School Rules


Our School Rules:

1. Keep hands, feet and objects to self

Teaching points:
Why it is important to respect personal space of others?
What does it look like to keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves in line ups, transition times, classroom environments, playground, lunch time etc.?
Have students generate examples and model what this would look like?


2. Listen to staff direction

Teaching points:
Why is it important to listen to the adult in charge?
Who are the different adults that students have to listen to?
Discuss the settings where does this need to occur?
What does it look like to be listening?
Have students generate examples and model what this would look like?


3. Use appropriate language and volume for the learning environment

Teaching Points:
Why do we have to use different words in different settings?
What is appropriate language in the learning environment?
Focus would be is it on topic for learning, would the words used cause harm to someone,
Have the students generate examples of what this might look like


4. Have permission to leave the learning environment

Teaching points:
Why is it important that the adults in the building know where they are?
Any adult may ask you, “Does your teacher know where you are?” and they may check.

5. Stay to the right while walking on stairs

Teaching points:
Why it is important to keep to the right while walking on the stairs?
What does it look like when everyone is practicing this rule?


Theme of discussion:
Importance of safety of self and others