Waverley Memorial

Cafeteria - Menus, Price Lists & Notices

Order online or by downloading the app!


Important notes:

Please update your child's profile information before ordering!   

  • Go to the Menu (3 lines at the top of the screen)
  • then click Your Account,
  • then click Your Information
  • Update the Teacher's Name and Grade.

This section needs to be updated for your child's lunch to be delivered to the correct class. 


All orders need to be placed by 7:45am to be processed for that day!



New lunch program information:


I have been asked to share the following update on Nova Scotia’s new School Lunch Program with you. As you know, this provincial program is set to begin in HRCE schools that include elementary school grades (pre-primary/primary to Grade 5) this October.

The province has launched www.NSLunch.ca, where you can find up-to-date information about the program as well as answers to frequently asked questions. At the end of September, you will also be able to order your child(ren)’s meals on this website.

Your school may have other food programs in place throughout September, including our ongoing free school breakfast program. These programs will continue when the School Lunch Program begins.

In early September, I will share school-specific details with you about Nova Scotia’s School Lunch Program, including when you can begin the ordering process. Please look for that email shortly after the start of the school year. In the meantime, visit www.NSLunch.ca for the latest program information. 

With thanks,

Steve Gallagher
Regional Executive Director