Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - May 10 - 14th

May 10th, 2021

Dear families:

How are you doing with Online learning?
We have just completed our 8th day of online learning, and we’ve been doing lots of adjusting, adapting as we go.
I am so proud of the hard work that our staff and students are putting into making this online platform work.  We have heard many success stories.

We also know that this has not been easy for anyone, and that some of you are struggling to make this work.
Many of you have already reached out to teachers, or to me, for help.  Thank you.
If you haven’t, please do.
We cannot make this platform perfect for everyone, but we are determined to do whatever we can to ensure that our students are set up for success.

Some FYI's:

There will be report cards in June.
Attendance is being recorded  each day, and teachers are assessing student work.  Teachers will reach out to you if they are having difficulty assessing your student’s work for any reason, but you can also reach out to them if you have concerns.

The Grade 3 Provincial Assessments will not be taking place this year. 
Due to the timing of schools closing across the province, the EECD has decided to cancel the assessments for this year.  They are scheduled to resume for Grade 3 students for the 2021-22 School year.

Next Friday, May 21st is a scheduled Professional Development day for Staff.
As far as we know at this point, a Professional Development Day is still scheduled for staff next Friday.  Unless you hear differently there will be no classes for students on that day. Staff will be engaging in Treaty Education PD.

Stay Safe everyone!  We hope to see you soon.

Mrs. Wolfe