Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - May 25-28

This Week at WMES – May 25 - 28

Dear families:

We were all disappointed to learn last week that we will not be returning to school for in person learning this year.  While online learning is not our first preference – we will continue to work hard to meet student needs and keep learning fun and interactive for our students.

We also want to help ease some of the pressure we know some of you are feeling with supporting your students through online learning by assuring you that:

  • Teachers are planning learning tasks appropriate for their students. With the exception of technology-support, they have designed tasks that are outcome based and not meant to involve parents. A huge part of school is teaching students to be independent and self-directed in their learning.
  • Our classroom teachers, Resource/ Learning Centre teachers and support staff help our students only where they need to be supported. They give them appropriate opportunities throughout each day to take risks. We all learn by making mistakes - not by getting things right every time.
  • We know your kids may have a natural tendency to appeal to you for your help. We understand this, and it's totally normal - they do it with teachers at school too.  However, when these appeals happen at school, teachers remind them of how capable they are, and encourage them to attempt whatever the task is – independently whenever it is possible.
  • Unless we have communicated with you specifically, we do not expect you to work one-on-one with them or to provide them with the answers to a given task. The tasks are designed to empower them as learners – and it's important we allow them to show us what they can do independently so we can plan for what they need next as learners.

“Making Mistakes is natural.  Making mistakes is how we learn!” Robert T. Kiyosaki

Have you visited the WMES Virtual Library with Mrs. Dey?

  • Meet Link (always the same)  https://meet.google.com/lookup/epq5x655at
  • Mrs. Dey also has a Google classroom if you’d like to join: Google Classroom, code is ceizpw4

    What students have been doing with Ms. Dey:
  • virtual visits to the Public Library
  • helping students apply online for digital Public Library cards
  • exploring SORA together
  • chatting about their online classes, outdoor activities, gaming, how they are socializing , and books!


  • Library Google Classroom & Meet link are also posted on the WMES Library Website accessible from the WMES website home page.

Staffing updates for the 2021-22 School year.

We are excited to welcome, Jennifer van der Weegen, who will be joining us as our new Vice Principal / Grade 5 teacher for the upcoming school year.  Ms. Van der Weegen has lots of experience as a teacher and administrator, and we are very fortunate to have her join our WMES family.  

We also have a few staff members who are moving on to new adventures – and while we are very sad to see them go, we are happy for them as they begin a new chapter in their career/lives. 

  • Mrs. MacKay is retiring this year.
  • Mrs. Trider is moving to Holland Road Elementary School as their new Vice Principal. 
  • Mrs. Ford is moving to Grade 6 at Georges P Vanier Junior High.
  • Mrs. Cobb is moving Sunnyside Elementary for the next school year.

We will be putting together some “WMES Memories” to share with each of them over the next few weeks. 
If you’d like to send in a message / memory to include from your child / family – please send it to kwolfe@hrce.ca.  Thanks.

We will let you know about further staffing updates when we know who is filling positions.

Important links for your information:
• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/

Stay Safe everyone!  We miss you.
Mrs. Wolfe