Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES: December 6 -10

This Week at WMES
December 6th – 10th


Dear Families:
Please use the Covid19 Daily check before sending your child to school each day.  Thank you for helping us all stay safe and healthy this year.

Some updates / reminders for this week:

  • A number of bus route changes started today. You should have received an email from the HRCE Transportation Team last Friday to reflect these changes if your child’s bus was affected.  If you are not receiving emails from the Transportation Team it is important to login in to mybusplanner.ca and make sure your child’s information is correct.  To ensure student safety, bus drivers need accurate, up to date information on all students on their bus.  Thanks.


  • This is the last week for our WMES Food Drive 2021

Items we are collecting for the Lion’s Christmas Express:
Cranberry sauce
Store bought boxed cookies
Hamburger Helper
Boxes of tea bags
Stove Top Stuffing
Pasta sauce
Canned fruit
Peanut butter

The Christmas Express will be here to pick the donations up on December 10th.

  • We also collect new or homemade hats and mittens this time of year if you would like to send some in for our “Hat & Mitten Tree”.  We keep a few at school so that no student ever goes without on a cold day, and we donate some to local charities.  

Thank you for your support.


  • WMES Spirit wear has arrived.  If you placed an order you can expect the items to come home tomorrow.  If the order was to be a surprise/ gift, please call the office tomorrow to make sure that we don’t send it home with your child, and to arrange for pick up.  Thanks.

  • This Friday we continue our “WMES Holiday Spirit Days” with “Sparkle and Shine” day. 

Have a great week everyone. 
Please reach out if you have any questions / concerns.

Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES

Our webpage can be found at:  https://wms.hrce.ca/
You can also follow us on Twitter at: @WMESchool


Important dates in December/ January:

December 6th – PTC meeting (Zoom)
December 21st – Last day of School before break
January 4th – Schools Reopen

Holiday Spirit Days in December:
Friday, December 10th: Sparkle and Shine Day
Friday, December 17th: Festive Colors Day
Monday, December 20th: Holiday Clothing / Ugly Sweater Day
Tuesday, December 21st:  Comfy/ Cozy Day