Waverley Memorial

Message for Families from HRCE re. Weather Impacts. Emailed Thursday, December 8th to all families:


The weather forecast is calling for 20 to 25 cm of snow with wind gusts up to 50 km/hour. The snow is starting this evening and will continue into the morning.

If tomorrow’s weather is as forecasted, we anticipate there being an impact on school opening tomorrow.

With winter weather on the way, it is a good time to remind families how important it is to have a plan in place for childcare if school is cancelled.

We will review an updated forecast tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. before making any decisions about school cancellation.

If there is a cancellation, we will share the information in the following ways:

• Website at www.hrce.ca
• Twitter at @HRCE_NS
• Information Line at 902-464-INFO (4636)
• Local media outlets
• E-mail and text message notification.

It is our goal to share this information as close to 6:00 a.m. as possible.

Recently we have been having an issue when sending text messages. Some subscribers have received the same message multiple times.

We are working with our vendor to fix this issue but it is possible it could occur again. If it does, let me be the first to apologize for this inconvenience. We would prefer you receive this information more than once rather than not at all.

Have a great evening.

Elwin LeRoux
Regional Executive Director