Waverley Memorial

Back to School update - September 2nd

WMES - Back to School Updates 2020

September 2, 2020
Dear WMES Families:

Tomorrow we are looking forward to welcoming our staff officially back to school.  We will be preparing some video clips that will introduce our staff, tour the school, and go over some of our new routines (including arrival and dismissal routines) to help everyone know what to expect on our first day, which is September 8th.  The video(s) will be emailed out with Friday’s update. 

There are some great resources included on the Provincial Back to School site: https://www.ednet.ns.ca/backtoschool/resources .

Here are today’s updates:

More details re. Arrival / Departure:
Morning Arrival – Our buses arrive between 7:40 and 8am.  We will have staff meeting each bus and directing students to their entry doors.
We have 3 entry doors and students will enter the school by the doors assigned to their grade level. 
- Students in grades Pre-Primary, Primary and One will enter the school through the side doors by our Kiss & Go loop.
- Students in grades Two and Three will enter the doors at the back of the school by the larger playground equipment and gymnasium doors.
- Students in grades Four and Five will enter the doors at the front of the school by the main office.
*This will not be a new routine for most students as these are the doors that these grades have typically lined up at in the past.  The difference this year is that students will be coming directly in and going to their classes instead of lining up at the bell.

We will have staff outside and inside to help students find the appropriate doors and their classrooms.  Teachers will be in their classrooms to greet students when they begin arriving at 7:40am.
Students getting rides to school can be dropped off in our Kiss and Go Loop between 7:40 and 8am.  We are requesting for the first week of school for parents to try to delay the drop off to between 8 and 8:30am to help us have more time to get used to our new routines and new bus schedules.  However, students can still be dropped off beginning at 7:40am.
The bus loop will be opened every morning from 8 – 8:30am for student drop off to accommodate increased traffic volume.  Parents/Guardians dropping off before this time will need to use the Kiss and Go Loop! Thanks.

Afternoon Dismissal  -  Bus students will be dismissed first at the end of the day.  Teachers will walk the bus students out and walkers / Excel students will remain in their classrooms (supervised by another staff member) until the buses have been dismissed.
Once the buses have left the teachers will bring their walking students out for dismissal.  Please remain in your vehicles, or off school grounds, until the buses have left.  (Approximately 2:05). Thanks!

For pick ups / drop offs through the school day, you should come to the main doors and ring the doorbell into the office.  Someone will come and meet you to pick up your child and bring them in, or to bring your child to you.

Thank you for your support in helping us ensure the safest start possible.  Once school routines have been established we will review these plans and update as needed.

Transportation for all eligible children from Pre-Primary to grade 12 will be provided. Because physical distancing will not always be possible, as per the Public Health order, children and students whose parents want them to ride the school bus will be required to wear non-medical masks. Drivers will also be required to wear masks.
While riding school buses, children and students from the same household must sit together. Buses will be cleaned twice daily. High touch surfaces such as handrails will be cleaned before and after each run.  (pg. 13 Back to School plan)

As per Public Health guidelines, masks are mandatory for all students in Grades 4 and 5 when inside the building, and for all students (PP-5) riding the school bus.
Students (in grades 4&5) must wear their masks (including in hallways and other common areas inside the school) when they are unable to physically distance by 2 meters.
Masks can be removed when students are eating and drinking.  Masks are not required during outdoor activities.
Here is a video link that you can watch with your children before the first day of school: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/video/covid-19-wear-non-...

Students will be encouraged to use their own devices in school. Students without personal devices will be provided with devices to use while at school. Devices will be cleaned between use. Technology will be used to support teaching and learning in all subject areas. This will help students be better prepared to continue to use technology should there be a need to transition to at-home learning. Appropriate schedules will be developed in schools to make use of shared technology, with appropriate cleaning protocols in place.  (pg. 13 Back to School Plan)

Outdoor Classrooms
We are looking for donations of 12x12, 18X18, or 24x24 patio stones for our outdoor classroom spaces.  If you would like to donate one just let us know. 

School Supply Lists
Our school supply lists are located on our webpage at:  https://wms.hrce.ca/wms/parents/school-supply-lists
We would also like to encourage you to look into purchasing a fanny pack for your child to store their mask in when they are outside. 


You can find all of our school updates at: https://wms.hrce.ca/wms/parents/back-school-2020

I will share another update on Thursday, September 3, 2020.                          .

We understand that you have many questions and concerns, and it can be frustrating when we don’t have all the answers right away.  But we can assure you, that your child’s safety is our number one concern as we plan for a very different new school year.   Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to finalize plans for re-opening. 
Together, we’ve got this!
Take care & stay safe,
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES