Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - March 22 - 26

This week at WMES
March 23, 2021
Dear WMES Families:

• Daily COVID Checklist
Families and staff are asked to do a daily COVID self-assessment before coming to school. This document is updated through the year by Public Health. https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/docs/Daily-COVID-checklist-en.pdf-
Thanks for your continued support and cooperation. 

• A reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24th is an Assessment day for staff.  There is no school for students Wednesday.

• Spring is here!  And so is the mud.  Please remind students to dress for the weather – we will be outside as much as we can be.  Rubber boots and splash pants are helpful to keep their clothes clean.  The mud puddles do seem to jump around here. 

• Parent/Teacher Interviews are coming up on April 8th.  Report cards will be emailed home on the 6th and your child’s classroom teacher will be contacting you soon to set up an interview time for the 8th, or sometime that week.  There is no school on April the 8th .

• Our next SAC meeting is this Thursday, March 25th.

• Friday is Epilepsy Awareness Day.  We encourage students and staff to wear purple on Friday in support of Epilepsy Awareness. 
• March 21st was also  World Down Syndrome Awareness Day  so we would also like to encourage students and staff to wear colorful, fun socks this Friday as well (#LotsOfSocks). 

• Saturday, March 27th families all over the world will take part in Earth Hour 2021.
Check out this link for more information: https://www.earthhour.org/new-in-2021.


Upcoming dates for your calendar:
March 26th – Wear Purple and Colorful Socks
April 2nd – Good Friday – No School
April 5 – Easter Monday – No School
April 8th  - No School
  - PD / Parent Teacher interviews

Important links for your information:
• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
• Remember to check the Daily checklist for Covid19, or do the online check in with Public Health if you have any concerns before sending students to school each day.

Take care & stay safe
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES