Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES April 6-9

This Week at WMES
April 6, 2021
Dear WMES Families:


  • Report Cards will be emailed home this week. 
    If your email information has changed since last term, or if you have not received your child’s report card by Wednesday morning, please be sure to contact the office so that we can update our information.

    An important reminder about report cards.  These reports are a snapshot of your students’ progress.  They are piece of the story.  They are not the whole story.  Talking with your child’s teacher this week will give you a bigger picture.  Please be sure to make an appointment if you have not already.

    “Teachers use evidence of student learning to evaluate progress, adjust instruction to respond to learner needs, (i.e. address gaps in learning, extend/deepen learning), and communicate with parents/guardians about their child’s progress and achievement and also provide suggestions around ways to support their child’s learning.”  EEDC Nov.2020

    Whether your child receives a developmental code (WD,DE,ND) or a Letter Grade (A,B,C,D,INS) please remember to read the comments and celebrate your child’s individual strengths and challenges.


What do report card codes mean?

Report Card Developmental Codes Report Card Rubric Example of a student rubric
WD Well Developed application of work habits and social skills √ I consistently and independently demonstrate this skill
√ I understand and demonstrate this concept independently, and I could teach it to others
DE Developing as Expected with application of work habits and social skills
√ I demonstrate this skill, but sometimes need reminders to practice it independently
√ I understand this concept and usually demonstrate it without mistakes
ND Needs Development with application of work habits and social skills √ I am learning this skill but do not always practice it independently
√ I am learning this concept, but still require help with understanding and I need more help.
INS Insufficient evidence to report on achievement   
NA Not Applicable  


Report Card Grade Rubric Report Card Rubric Example Student Rubric
A Thorough understanding and application of concepts and skills. √ I can solve the problem by myself
√ I can explain my thinking and my work
√ I can help others understand
B Good understanding and application of concepts and skills.  √ I am usually clear about what to do
√ I can show my work
√ I make small mistakes and need to check my work carefully
C Basic understanding and application of concepts and skills.  √ I am starting to understand
√ I still make mistakes that I can’t always identify on my own
D Limited understanding and application of concepts and skills. The student has not met expectations. √ I can’t do it on my own
√ I don’t understand yet
INS Insufficient evidence to report on achievement.  


  • Teacher Conferences with Specialists:
    If anyone would like to speak with Mr. James (Physical Education) or Ms. Smeltzer this week regarding assessment please email them directly and they will set up an appointment for you.  Mr. James’ email is ajames@hrce.ca and Ms. Smeltzer’s is jennifer.smeltzer@hrce.ca .  Thanks.

    Mrs. Power (French) is unavailable this week, but will be available when she returns.

    Mrs. Flanagan, our substitute French teacher, completed reports for students in Grades 4 and 5 based on participation over the past month that she has been with them.  If you have any questions re. French reports please direct them to me, kwolfe@hrce.ca .


  • Class configurations for next year will begin in May. 
    We do not take teacher requests  (and staffing is not done until later in May),  however, if you have a concern / friendship issue that we need to know about when making lists please email Kwolfe@hrce.ca before the end of April.


Upcoming dates for your calendar:

April 8th  - No School
  - PD / Teacher conferences (virtual)
May 21st – Professional Development Day – No school for students
May 24th – Victoria Day Holiday– No School

Important links for your information:

• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
• Remember to check the Daily checklist for Covid19, or do the online check in with Public Health if you have any concerns before sending students to school each day.

Take care & stay safe
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES