Waverley Memorial

Online Learning Begins tomorrow. We can't wait to see you WMES!

April 28th, 2021
Dear families:

We have been hard at work getting ready for Online Learning that will begin tomorrow.  Classroom teachers will be communicating with you before the end of the day today with their plans for the next two days, Thursday and Friday.  If you have not heard from them please reach out.

I want to say a huge THANKS to our staff for their hard work and flexibility over the past few days.  This is a big change for many of them – but we’ve been preparing all year, and I am confident that we are ready for online learning at WMES.

A few important notes:

  • There will be glitches as we “go live”. Please be patient with us as we work through this new format.  Some staff are working from home, and some are working in the building, but we are all available to support you if / when you need it.  Please do not hesitate to reach out.
  • Students are expected to participate in on-line learning.  We are strongly encouraging students to participate in the “live” teaching each day.  Teachers are continuing to teach grade level outcomes, and on-going assessment will be taking place.  We hope to back in-person soon, but learning is not ‘on pause’.
  • Teachers will be taking attendance each day.  If students are unable to login in to the “live” sessions with teachers on a particular day, they can still submit work to their teachers to not be counted as absent. 

As always – please contact me if you have any questions / concerns. 

Thanks so much for your patience over the last few days.  Pick-ups at school went very smoothly and we appreciate everyone following guidelines and protocols.

Stay Safe everyone!
Mrs. Wolfe