Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - June 21 - 30th

This Week at WMES – June 21 - 25th 

Dear families:

A few updates/ reminders for this week:

  • Please be sure to check out the updated Daily Covid-19 checklist, and review each morning before sending students to school. We continue to follow Public Health Guidelines, and if students are not feeling well they should stay home.

    School days remaining in this school year:
  • This week is a full week.
  • There is school next Monday, June 28th.
  • There is no school on June 29th.
  • On June 30th, we have a 10am dismissal, and we will be celebrating Mrs. MacKay’s retirement before students leave for the day. Please email me if you would like to send her a note of congratulations.


Summer Reading Program information from Mrs. Dey:

We would like to take an opportunity to say thank you to the many staff members who are moving on to new adventures next year.
Thank you for everything you’ve done to help make this past year at WMES a great success.  We wish you all the best in your next chapters:
Ms.Ryan (Pre-Primary)
Mrs. Tracey White (EPA
Ms. Kennedy (Fine Arts Specialist)
Ms. Farjenova (School Psychologist)
Mrs. Cobb (School Counsellor)
Mrs. Ford (Grade 5)
Mrs. Trider (Grade 5)
Ms. Brace (Primary)
Mrs. Flanagan (Core French)
And Mrs. MacKay (our Vice Principal)


  • School Supply Lists for next year will be posted on our webpage by the 30th.  You will also have the opportunity to purchase online through Staples and they will deliver directly to your door.  This information will be all be available next week.
  • Please keep checking the WMES webpage over the summer months for any updated information. 


Important upcoming dates:
o June 28th – Regular School day!
o June 29th – No School – Assessment day
o June 30th – Last day of school. Dismissal at 10am.
o August 25th – Late Registration Day
o September 2nd – Class lists finalized. Teachers will contact you by 3pm to let you know classes. 
o September 2nd – Curriculum Night (Format TBA)
o September 7th – First Day of School

Important links for your information:
• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
• MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca

Stay Safe everyone and have a wonderful summer! 
Mrs. Wolfe