Waverley Memorial

Message for WMES Families

This Week at WMES
December 16th

Dear Families:
As you most likely have heard by now, the Province has decided to end school for students on December 17th (tomorrow) for the Holiday break.
The announcement and communication to families is posted on our webpage https://wms.hrce.ca/.

Tomorrow, Friday, December 17th, we will be combining our last three spirit days of the year. It will be: Holiday Colors/ Holiday Clothing/ Comfy Cozy day. 
So… wear what makes you happy.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish our WMES family a safe and joyous holiday season.  We know that the last few months have been challenging, and we so appreciate all of your kindness, support and patience.  
We look forward to welcoming students back on January 6th.

As always, please reach out if you need anything.
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES

Our webpage can be found at:  https://wms.hrce.ca/
You can also follow us on Twitter at: @WMESchool

Important dates in December/ January:

December 17st – Last day of School before break
January 6th – Schools Reopen (Please note the updated date)