Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - January 24 - 28

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Dear WMES families:

Some important notes this week:

  • Today each student is bringing home 4 test kits (2 per package) and a new face mask.  Instructions were also sent on how to complete the test by doing both a throat and a nasal swab as per new guidelines from Public Health. 

    While we do hope to have more tests arriving soon, we encourage everyone to only test when necessary (due to being a close contact or because you have symptoms).We hope to have enough supply to provide more tests if needed. 

    If your child is absent from school this week you can call the office to arrange for a contactless pick up at 902-860-4150. 

    Public Health does not recommend doing a COVID test for 90 days if you have already tested positive, so some of you may not be able to use the tests at this time. Please remember, if you have symptoms, stay home.

    Thanks for helping to keep us all safe at school.


  • We continue to get outside as much as possible for fresh air and mask breaks.  This includes days that may be cold or wet.  While our time outside may be shorter on those days, the breaks still happen.  Please be sure that your child has appropriate clothing for any weather (especially extra socks/ mittens).  
  • Pre-Primary and Primary Registration for the 2022-23 school year begins in February.  Please watch our webpage for more information.  Grade 5 students will also need to register for Georges P. Vanier Junior High in February.   We will forward and post information as soon as we have it.
  • A friendly reminder that you should regularly check your child for Head Lice.  Information is posted on our webpage: https://www.novascotia.ca/dhw/publications/public-health-education/07135-head-lice-pamphlet-en.pdf .

Have a great week everyone.  Stay safe.