Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - Save the Date Spring Fling 2024

This Week at WMES
Week of May 20-24, 2024

Dear WMES families:

Our May  calendar can be found here


Spring Fling Save the Date:

Our annual Spring Fling is on June 12th from 5:30 - 7:30pm.  
This event is our main fundraiser for the school year and is organized by our amazing PTC (Partnership of Teachers and Community Group). 

It is always lots of fun and a great way to come together as a school community and celebrate the end of our school year, and the beginning of summer. 

Please see the the attached flyer for important information- and we will send home updated information as we have it. 
Volunteers needed - Spring Fling.pdf    Save the Date - Spring Fling 2024.pdf 

We do need your help to make this event a success.  We need volunteers to set up, run stations, and clean up at the end of the event. 
There are lots of great ways you can help out.  

Sign up here:

We can’t wait to see you on the 12th. 


Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

June 3 - Grade 5 students visiting GPV for a tour (Permission slip to come home in late May)

June 12 - Spring Fling 5:30-7:30pm

June 18 - Field Day for PP-5 students

June 25 - Rain Date for Field Day

June 26 - 10 am - Domino Show - whole school

June 26 - Grade 5 Celebration / Ceremony (details to come home in early June)

June 27th - Assessment Day - No School for students

June 28th - Last Day of School for students (10am dismissal)

For new students:  Registration for the 2024-25 school year.  

Visit the HRCE website for more information and to enrol your child today through PowerSchool Enrollment! 


Thanks everyone.  Have a great week.   

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen