Waverley Memorial

Field Day is June 18th

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we approach our Field Day here at Waverley Memorial there are a few reminders we would like to share with you.

  • Please make sure you child has applied sunscreen before leaving for school on Tuesday June 18th (Rain date of Tuesday June 25th).
  • Please make sure your child has a hat and water bottle with their name clearly printed on it.
  • To be sure students aren’t hungry we are asking parents/guardians to send in their recess as usual but it should have their child’s name printed on it and be in a disposable package. When our teams come together to start the day a grade 5 leader will have a bag to collect all of the recess items for the students on their team. That way if your child gets hungry they can access their snack any time.?
  • Students should pack a lunch, as usual, for that day but lunch will be a little later than usual.
  • If items like hats and water bottles go missing children will be reminded to come to the gym to see what has been collected by the grade 5 students at the conclusion of Field Day.

Thank you for your help and let’s hope for great weather!

Andrew James