Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - June 19-28

This Week at WMES - Last one for this year!
June 18-28, 2024
Dear WMES families:

Our June calendar can be found here.

Class Trips - FYI: 
Here is the linkFor SchoolCash if your child’s classroom teacher has indicated there is a fee for class trips :  https://hrce.schoolcashonline.com/ 
You will either just need to login or register if you have not already.


2024-25 Nova Scotia Regional Centres for Education calendar. 
We are pleased to share the 2024-25 school calendar.

Grade 5 Closing Celebration:  
We will be celebrating our Grade 5 students on June 26th at 1pm.   
Family members are welcome to join us.   We will have a short assembly and then cake and juice in the cafeteria.

Volunteer Recognition: June 28th at our final assembly - 9am
If you have volunteered this year at WMES …THANK YOU for helping make this year great.  
We would like to recognize our volunteers at our final assembly on June 28th at 9am.  Please fill out this quick google form to RSVP.  Thanks!


Spring Fling Feedback requested:  
If you attended our Spring Fling last week - we would love to hear from you!  Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey so that we can make next year even better. 


Last Day of School & Report Cards: 
June 28th is the last day of school.  Dismissal will be at 10am. 
Report Cards will be emailed home on the 28th.  If your email address has changed please be sure to update us so that you can receive it.

Important information for next year: 
Our Open House / Curriculum night will be on September 4th.  More information will come home in late August. 
The first day of school for the 2024-25 school year is September 5th. For more important dates for next year please see the calendar link above.

Upcoming Dates for your calendar:

June 20 - Class Trip - 1J and 12D

June 21 - Last day for cafeteria

June 26 - 10 am - Domino Show - whole school

June 26 - Grade 5 Celebration / Ceremony

June 27th - Assessment Day - No School for students

June 28th - Last Day of School for students (10am dismissal)  Report Cards emailed home today!
                9am - Final Assembly - Kick off to Summer / Volunteer Celebration


For new students:  Registration for the 2024-25 school year. 

Visit the HRCE website for more information and to enrol your child today through PowerSchool Enrollment!


Thanks everyone.  Have a great week.  

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen