Waverley Memorial

Welcome Back WMES (Emailed on Aug. 30th)

August 30, 2024

Dear WMES families:

A few notes before we welcome everyone back next week:

  • Our staff are back to school Tuesday, September 3rd.   We look forward to working on Tuesday and Wednesday next week to prepare for our opening day on Thursday.


  • Class lists are not finalized.  Registrations continue to trickle in, and we continue to adjust accordingly.  Your child’s classroom teacher will contact you Tuesday to welcome you to their class. 


  • School Supply Lists can be found on our webpage..  Please reach out if you need any assistance with purchasing any supplies. We can help.

Wednesday, September 4th we would like to invite you to join us for an Open House. 

  • For our Pre-Primary students this will take place on Wednesday afternoon. Our Pre-Primary teachers will be contacting you soon with more information.
  • For P-5 families the Open House will be between 6-7pm.  Students are welcome to attend as well, and this is a great time to drop off supplies, so the backpacks are not too heavy on the first day.

Thursday, September 5th is the first day of school for students!


First Day Drop offs. 

  • While we appreciate how important it is on the first day for some families to come to the school grounds, we ask that you try to avoid this if possible.  For students who are feeling anxious already, a crowd of people can be very intimidating.  Our staff will all be outside directing students so you can be assured that they are in great hands.  If you do decide that coming to school is in your child’s best needs, please be respectful of our other students and staff and families, and follow staff guidelines/directions. 
  • You can park on School Street, or on the school side of Rocky Lake Drive.  For safety reasons we ask that you please do not park on the far side of Rocky Lake Drive and then try to cross the road. 
  • A reminder that our Kiss and Go Loop is for quick drop offs.  Adults are asked to NOT get out of the car at the Kiss and Go (Small loop around the lower parking lot).  There will be an adult there to greet students and help if necessary.  If you need to get out of your car you will need to find a parking space in one of our two parking lots, or on School Street.  Thanks.


Thursday, September 12th is Stand up Against Bullying day across Nova Scotia.  Standing up Against Bullying is a topic that is discussed frequently and openly throughout the school year, but it is important to recognize that we always have more work to do.  Wearing Pink on September 12th is one way that we acknowledge our commitment to ongoing education and improvement.  We invite all students to join us in this commitment on Thursday by wearing something pink. 


Some Upcoming Dates for your calendars:
September 5th - First day of school for students
September 9th – Our cafeteria reopens.  Order online on our school webpage.  The new school lunch program begins later in October.  If anyone needs assistance with lunches until that time  please contact the office so we can help.
September 12th – Pink Shirt Day (Stand up Against Bullying)
September 26th – School Picture Day.
September 27th – Wear Orange today for Truth and Reconciliation Day.
September 30th -  Truth and Reconciliation Day – No School for students.

Watch for more updates on our webpage:  https://wms.hrce.ca/

See you soon!

Karla Wolfe and Jennifer van der Weegen