Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES- September 9-13

This Week at WMES
Week of September 9-13th


Dear WMES families:
Happy First full week of school.   

Our September calendar can be found here: https://wms.hrce.ca/sites/default/files/websites/wms.hrce.ca/main-menu-page/2024/09/september_2024.jpg

Cafeteria / Food availability Update:

  • The Cafeteria has delayed opening until September 16th. 
  • Information to order can be found on our Webpage: https://wms.hrce.ca/
  • Ordering will remain the same as last year through the Chartwell’s site until the new Provincial School Lunch Website/ Online ordering platform opens later in October.
  • If any families need support with ordering/ paying for lunch until the new program launches in October please do not hesitate to reach out to School Admin.  We can order and pay for you confidentially!
  • Until the cafeteria opens next week we do have grab and go food available in the office (apples, toast, oatmeal, granola bars, etc.). The selection varies - but there is always food available  for anyone!

PTC meeting: Our First Parent Teacher Cooperative (PTC) meeting will take place on Thursday, September 12th at 6pm.   We will meet in our conference room next to the library.  All are welcome.  Our PTC helps to plan special events and fundraisers for our school.

SAC meeting: Our first School Advisory Council (SAC)  meeting will take place at 7pm - immediately after the PTC meeting.  We are looking for new members this year, so if you are interested please join us.  More information about the role of the SAC can be found on our website.

Emergency Planning:

  • We will have our first fire drill this week.  All classes have practiced and discussed the importance of planning to be safe at school in case an emergency evacuation is required.  We are required to have 6 fire drills each year.  We will have two more this Fall, and 3 next Spring.
  • Next  week we will have our first Lockdown drill.  We are required to have two lockdown drills each year.   Please see the attached letter with more information, and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to reach out.

Stand Up Against Bullying (Pink Day):
Thursday, September 14th is Stand Up Against Bullying day in Nova Scotia. We participate to support the importance of building healthy, safe and positive environments.
The inspiration for the day came from the actions of Central Kings Rural High School Grade 12 students, Travis Price and David Shepherd, who rallied behind a new student to the school who was being bullied simply for wearing pink.
Students are encouraged to wear something pink on Thursday if they can.


Lost & Found:
Please Label your items.  When items (water bottles, sweaters, sneakers, etc) arrive in our Lost & Found we always check for names before items are donated (which happens at least once each term). 


Morning Drop Off Reminders:
Our small loop out front is for quick “Kiss and Go” drop offs.  If you choose to use this loop please do not get out of your car. A staff member will be there to assist your child.    If you need to get out of your car you can park in either of our two parking lots, or you can pull into the larger bus loop - once all of the buses have exited. 

After School Pick ups:
A big thanks to everyone for waiting to pull in for after school pick ups until our buses have left.  We really appreciate everyone’s help to keep our school grounds safe.  When pulling into the bus loop after the buses have left we ask that you please pull up all the way around, and do not park on the inside of the loop. This helps the traffic to flow and avoids back up onto Rocky Lake Drive.  


WMES Picture Day:
Thursday, September 26th, is Picture Day at WMES!  Retake day will be October.  Class photos will be taken on Retake day.


Celebrating the arts in the 2024-25 school year at WMES:

We love to find new and exciting ways to celebrate our students' many talents at WMES each year. 

Here are a few things to look forward to this year:

  • October 24th: Halloween Howl Family Dance featuring a Fall Spooky artwork Gallery in our main foyer & cafeteria
  • December 17th:  P-2 Holiday concert with special performances from our School Choir of 3-5 students
  • May 6th : School Musical performance featuring interested students in grades 3-5! 

Mark these dates in your calendar! There will be lots more info to follow.


Terry Fox Run
We will be having our annual Terry Fox Run on September 20th.  Thanks to Mr. James and Mrs. Hillier for organizing.  We are collecting donations for the Terry Fox Foundation.   If at all possible we ask that you donate online using this link: https://schools.terryfox.ca/WaverleyMemorial
However, if you would prefer sending in a cash donation (a loonie or a toonie) you are also welcome to do that. 
All students will participate regardless of donations, so please know that donations are optional, and we understand that it may not be possible for all families.


Thanks for your support WMES!

Thanks everyone.  Have a great week.   A reminder that our September calendar can be found on our webpage.

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen

Upcoming Dates for your calendar:
September 12 - Pink Day 
September 16 - Cafeteria reopens
September 20 - Terry Fox Run
September 27 - Orange Shirt Day
September 30- Truth and Reconciliation Day - No School today
October 11 - Professional Development Day for staff - No School for students
October 14 - Thanksgiving - No School today
October 24 - Halloween Howl
October 25 - Provincial Conference Day - No School for students