Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - March 29 - April 2nd

This week at WMES
March 29, 2021
Dear WMES Families:

Daily COVID Checklist
Families and staff are asked to do a daily COVID self-assessment before coming to school. This document is updated through the year by Public Health. https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/docs/Daily-COVID-checklist-en.pdf-
Thanks for your continued support and cooperation. 

• We want you know how much we appreciate everything you are doing to help keep us safe, and open.  We understand that keeping students home when they have symptoms can create many obstacles for families, but your efforts are making a difference.  Not only have we been able to reduce our risk to COVID exposure, but regular “sick” absences are significantly lower this year.  We are not dealing with the influx of flus and colds that we have in the past.  This is thanks to you for helping us follow Public Health measures.  We know it has been a long difficult year.  Please help us stay the course by monitoring symptoms daily, and keeping student’s home when necessary.  Thank you!

• Please take some time to review proper hand washing procedures with your children.   Here are some resources to help:

• There is no school this Friday or the following Monday for the Easter Break. 

• Parent/Teacher Interviews are coming up on April 8th.  Report cards will be emailed home on the 6th and your child’s classroom teacher will be contacting you soon to set up an interview time for the 8th, or sometime that week.  There is no school on April the 8th.

• Please find attached information about EXCEL Registration for 2021-22, for both returning and new families. 


Upcoming dates for your calendar:
April 2nd – Good Friday – No School
April 5 – Easter Monday – No School
April 8th  - No School
  - PD / Parent Teacher interviews
May 21st – Professional Development Day – No school for students
May 24th – Victoria Day Holiday– No School


Important links for your information:
• WMES Website: https://wms.hrce.ca/
• HRCE Website: https://www.hrce.ca/
• MyBusPlanner:  hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca
• Up to date Public Health Information: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
• Remember to check the Daily checklist for Covid19, or do the online check in with Public Health if you have any concerns before sending students to school each day.


Take care & stay safe
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES