Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES: December 13 - 21st

This Week at WMES
December 13 – 21st

Dear Families:

Please use the Covid19 Daily check before sending your child to school each day.  Thank you for helping us all stay safe and healthy this year.

Please review the following resources with your students:

Students are expected to wear a proper mask at school.  Please note guidelines here.


All students are expected to sanitize / wash their hand frequently (we encourage at every threshold).  Please review proper hand-washing procedures with your child.

We will continue to social distance when possible, and take mask breaks outside when we can. 
Please be sure that students have appropriate clothing for all types of weather.

It is extremely important that we have accurate contact records at school. 
Please ensure:
• we have up to date phone numbers and email addresses for all student contacts
• that you have checked the Busplanner website and ensured that the information there is correct for your child. (https://hrcetransportation.mybusplanner.ca/)
If it is not – please contact the transportation team to update / or the school for clarification.
• Please ensure that we have your Nova Scotia Health card information on file. 

Thanks for your help everyone. 


Some updates for this week:
• We are very pleased to inform you that we have a new Guidance Counselor beginning at WMES in January.  Her name is Jennifer Oldford and we are very excited to welcome her to our team. Ms. Oldford will be with us 3 days a week.

• The last day for the cafeteria before the break will be Friday, December 17th.  The cafeteria will reopen on January 10th, 2022.

• This Friday we continue our “WMES Holiday Spirit Days” with “Festive Colors” Day.

Have a great week everyone. 
Please reach out if you have any questions / concerns.

Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES

Our webpage can be found at:  https://wms.hrce.ca/
You can also follow us on Twitter at: @WMESchool

Important dates in December/ January:

December 21st – Last day of School before break
January 6th – Schools Reopen (Please note the updated date)

Holiday Spirit Days in December:
Friday, December 17th: Festive Colors Day
Monday, December 20th: Holiday Clothing / Ugly Sweater Day
Tuesday, December 21st:  Comfy/ Cozy Day