Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - September 16-20

This Week at WMES
Week of September 16-20

Dear WMES families:

Our September calendar can be found here: https://wms.hrce.ca/sites/default/files/websites/wms.hrce.ca/main-menu-page/2024/09/september_2024_1.pdf


We are looking for substitute lunch monitors.  If you are interested please call the school office for more information on how to apply.


Cafeteria / Food availability Update:
Our Cafeteria is now open.  You can order on our website at: https://wms.hrce.ca/wms/general-information/cafeteria-menus-price-lists-notices

** Next Monday, September 23 the cafeteria will be closed just for the day.

The new School Lunch Program website and updated menu will be available in late November.  You can check out the Provincial website here.  https://nslunch.ca/

We will let you know when you can start ordering on this site.
Until the new Provincial program launches - please reach out to us if you would like some assistance ordering / paying for lunches.  We can help.


PTC Update: Our PTC meet last Thursday and confirmed our tentative meeting dates for the year (we sometimes need extra when important events are coming up).   Sarah Kahn is our chair.
We will be meeting on: October 17th, November 14th, January 9th, February 6th, April 10th, and May 8th.

Some upcoming events of note: 

  • Halloween Howl- October 24th
  • Kenny’s Pizza fundraiser -  TBD
  • Family Movie Night - February 13th
  • June 11th - Spring Fling

If you would like to join us and help support fundraising events and organize fun extracurricular activities for our school, please feel free to join us at our next meeting.   We’d love to have you.

SAC Update: Our SAC met for our first meeting last Thursday.  Our dates for the remainder of the year are posted on our Website.
We currently have our required number of parent and staff representatives, but you are always welcome to join us at our meetings as a guest.
We meet directly after our PTC meetings in the conference room at 7pm.
We are looking for 2 community members to join our team, so if you know someone in the community who would like to be a part of our School Advisory Committee, please encourage them to reach out, or to come to our next meeting to see what we are all about.


Emergency Planning:

  • We had our first fire drill last week.  Our students did great!


  • This week we will have our first Lockdown drill.  We are required to have two lockdown drills each year.   Please see the attached letter with more information, and if you have any other questions do not hesitate to reach out.
  • On September 27th we will have our annual bus evacuation drill.  All students will have the opportunity to sit on a bus and hear about bus safety from our bus drivers, and then practice evacuating the bus from the rear doors.

WMES Picture Day:
Thursday, September 26th, is Picture Day at WMES!  Retake day will be October.  Class photos will be taken on Retake day.


Terry Fox Run
We will be having our annual Terry Fox Run on September 20th.  Thanks to Mr. James and Mrs. Hillier for organizing.  We are collecting donations for the Terry Fox Foundation.   If at all possible we ask that you donate online using this link: https://schools.terryfox.ca/WaverleyMemorial
However, if you would prefer sending in a cash donation (a loonie or a toonie) you are also welcome to do that. 
All students will participate regardless of donations, so please know that donations are optional, and we understand that it may not be possible for all families.
Thanks for your support WMES!


Schools Plus:
SchoolsPlus would like to extend a warm welcome  back to school to all families in our community.

Did you know? SchoolsPlus operates 12 months of the year! SchoolsPlus is a confidential, free service available to every school in Nova Scotia. Families and students (12+) can self-refer to SchoolsPlus by contacting the SchoolsPlus facilitator for your school, Isaac LeBlanc@hrce.ca or your schoolsPlus Community Outreach  Worker rachel.murray@hrce.ca.


We are here to help support your students to be successful and to provide support for families as it is needed.Please reach out if there is anything we can support you with.
To learn more about SchoolsPlus please visit   ednet.ns.ca/schoolsplus/

Thanks everyone.  Have a great week.   A reminder that our September calendar can be found on our webpage.

Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. van der Weegen

Upcoming Dates for your calendar:
September 16 - Cafeteria reopens
September 20 - Terry Fox Run
September 27 - Orange Shirt Day
September 30- Truth and Reconciliation Day - No School today
October 11 - Professional Development Day for staff - No School for students
October 14 - Thanksgiving - No School today
October 24 - Halloween Howl
October 25 - Provincial Conference Day - No School for students