Waverley Memorial

Welcome to a new school year WMES families!


WMES - Back to School 2021
August 30, 2021

Dear WMES Families:
Welcome Back to a new School year!  We are so excited to see you all.
You should have all received the Back to School plan from HRCE last week.  All of our planning will follow Public Health’s Guidelines to ensure a safe 2021-22 school year.  Masks, frequent handwashing/ sanitizing, and frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces will be an important part of our re-opening safely plan.

Here is some general information to help you start planning for the year ahead.

Curriculum Night:
Although Curriculum night was tentatively scheduled for September 2nd, at this time we will not be doing an in-person session at school (except for the families of students in Pre-Primary and Primary – who will receive a separate notice with this information).
We do hope to have an Open House for all families later in the Fall, so stay tuned. 
Classroom teachers will reach out on Thursday or Friday to welcome you to their classes and give you some specific classroom information.

Here is our current staffing configuration to begin the school year.
Pre-Primary – Ms. Sidney and Ms. Nadine
Pre-Primary – Ms. Jessie-Rae and Ms. Haeyoung
Primary – Mrs. Brien and Ms. Coyle
Primary/One – Mrs. MacLellan
One – Mrs. Johnson
One/Two – Mrs. Wadden and Mrs. Miller
Two – Ms. Day
Two/Three – Ms. Bailey
Three/Four – Mrs. Hillier
Four – Ms. Macdonald
Four – Ms. Rigby
Five – Mr. Smith
Five – Mrs. van der Weegen and Ms. Robinson

It is important for all families to know that our classes are at cap and configurations could change right up until the middle of October. 
Our grade level teachers work closely together, and students will be able to work with and socialize with their grade level peers in many different ways this year. 

Student drop off and pick up:

It is important for us all to do our part to help limit congestion/crowds from gathering at the start and end of the day.

Morning drop offs:  Please use the “Kiss and Go” loop at the right of the main bus loop for quick morning drop offs - unless you need to get out of your car.  If you need to get out of your car it is imperative that you find a parking spot in one of our school parking lots or on a neighboring street. The traffic in the “Kiss and Go loop” needs to keep moving. If exiting your car please be sure to wear a mask as our school grounds can be congested – especially on the first few days.  Students will come directly inside to their classrooms.
There will be lots of extra hands on the first day directly students on where to go.

Afternoon Dismissal: Walking students will be dismissed as soon as the buses leave the school grounds – typically at 2pm.  Please do not drive onto school property (off Rocky Lake) until the buses have left. Once the buses have left, you can use both the Kiss and Go Loop and the Bus Loop to pick up your child.

Visiting the School: Under the Back to School Plan, schools will continue to limit outside visitors in the building, including parents/guardians.  You must have an appointment, and follow all Public Health guidelines to come in to the school. Always report to the main office first. Thanks.

For pick ups / drop offs through the school day, you should come to the main doors and ring the doorbell into the office.  Someone will come and meet you to pick up your child and bring them in, or to bring your child to you.

Other important start up information:
• Classroom teachers will contact you on September 1st or 2nd to welcome students to their classes.
• The first day of school is September 7th. 
Students can be dropped off after 7:40am (not before).
The first bell rings at 7:55am and attendance is taken at this time.
Dismissal begins at 1:55pm. Bus students are dismissed first, and then walking students are dismissed.
• Our school cafeteria reopens on September 13th.  Visit www.CafZone.ca to order.
Students will continue to eat in their classrooms for the time being.
• School pictures will take place on September 16th!

You will probably receive a few more emails from the school this week as we get ready for our new school year.  However, you can typically watch your inbox each Monday for school updates. All information is also posted on our webpage at https://wms.hrce.ca/ .

Take care & stay safe,
Karla Wolfe
Principal WMES