Waverley Memorial

Welcome to Primary - Information for Families

Welcome to Primary at WMES!

We are so excited to welcome you to our school family this year.

This year at WMES we will have a Primary class, and a Primary/One class.

Teaching Primary this year is Erin Brien and Laura Coyle.

Teaching Primary/One is Natalie MacLellan.

Your child’s Primary teacher will be reaching out to you in the next day or two to introduce themselves and to invite you to drop in to visit their classroom and meet the teachers if you can. 

These drop in sessions will take place this Thursday. The first drop in will be from 6pm to 6:15pm and the second will be from 6:30pm to 6:45pm.   You must let them know which session (if any) you are able to attend.  Thanks.

You are welcome to drop off your child’s school supplies at this time to save a bit of hassle on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 7th. 

Drop off on Tuesday morning will be outside on our school grounds.  The Primary teachers will meet you near the small playground area.

We are planning to do school wide open house sessions later in the Fall if at all possible, so if you can't make it this week please don't worry.

There is some general Primary information on our webpage at this link: https://wms.hrce.ca/wms/parents/primary-parent-information


Please feel free to reach out to the office (Admin Assistant: Charlene Fizzard, Vice Principal: Jennifer van der Weegen, or myself, Principal: Karla Wolfe) if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact information is also available on our webpage: https://wms.hrce.ca/staff-directory

We look forward to working with you to make your child’s school experience a fantastic one.

See you soon.