Waverley Memorial

Welcome Back! Some important information to review before Monday

Returning to School:  Information for staff and families

Dear Families:

We are so excited to see our students back next week.

You have received communications from HRCE and Public Health over the past few days about the updated Back to School plan, and expectations for schools.  These documents are posted on our webpage https://wms.hrce.ca/ .

Important things to note are:

  • Everyone is required to wear a 3-layer, fitted mask. Students will receive a 3-layer cloth mask when they come on Monday. Please review the following documents with your student:
    Non-Medical Mask Guidelines
    How to Properly Wear a Mask
  • Students will remain in their class cohorts whenever it is operationally possible
  • Physical Distancing will be encouraged and movement around the school will be done in a way that limits contact between cohorts.
  • Students will be asked to sanitize at every threshold, and before sharing any materials.  Clean hands keep us all healthy!
  • Students who are unwell should remain home.  If a student starts feeling unwell at school, you will be contacted to pick them up. We recommend you have a plan in place should your student become ill and need to be at home.
  • Everyone is to complete the COVID-19 Daily Checklist daily.  This checklist has been revised.  Please review the updated document.
  • The province has committed to providing schools with more rapid testing kits for students.  We have not yet received these kits. We’ll let you know when we do.

Here are a few more documents you may want to go over with students:
Cough and Sneeze Etiquette
Proper Handwashing
Public Health Measures for Everyone

Important information for you to read before next week:

  • Someone in my household tested positive. What do I do?


  • I have been identified as a close contact, now what?


The HRCE transportation team also sent out an email to families today (Friday) with important updates for Monday. 
Please be sure to check that email this weekend.


This is an unpredictable time, and we know that many of you have concerns about sending or not sending students back to school.  There are questions that we cannot answer, but we will assure you that we will be doing everything we can to keep our students and staff healthy and safe.  Thank you for working with us through this latest transition. 

Please reach out if you have any questions / concerns.


Karla Wolfe
Waverley Memorial Elementary