Waverley Memorial

Message from the Transportation Team - Please review before Monday, January 17th

Dear Families,

As all students return to in-person learning next week, this is a reminder that regularly-scheduled busing will resume on the morning of Monday, January 17, 2022.

There may have been changes to your child’s bus routing in recent weeks. Please log into BusPlanner before Monday to check your child’s schedule. Changes will not be reflected in BusPlanner until after Friday evening.

Important Reminders

With enhanced public health measures in place at all schools once students return, buses will also continue to follow strict protocols in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Please keep the following in mind when entering or riding a bus:

  • Masks are required. Those entering or riding a bus are asked to wear a 3-ply reusable cloth mask or an equivalent. This mandatory mask rule applies to Pre-Primary to Grade 12 students, drivers, monitors, education staff and parents/guardians assisting their children. Exceptions apply to those with valid medical reasons.
  • Try to maintain social distancing while waiting for the bus, boarding/exiting the vehicle and when seated. This isn’t always possible, which is why wearing a mask at all times is important.
  • Members of the same household are encouraged to sit together if possible to minimize contact with others.
  • Wash/sanitize hands frequently and stay home if you are feeling unwell. Please screen yourself and your child prior to boarding the bus using the COVID-19 Daily Checklist.

Regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces on the bus will continue and windows will be opened to improve airflow where possible. Students may also be assigned to a specific seat and asked to load the bus from back to front.

We know these times are challenging and appreciate your continued support and cooperation as we work together to keep everyone healthy and safe. See you next week!

Mark Mendoza

HRCE Transportation Coordinator