Waverley Memorial

Message re. testing for kids from HRCE


I hope you’ve had a smooth transition back to in-person learning this week. Our schools were ready and excited to welcome your child(ren) back to class.

In consultation with Public Health, we have reintroduced a number of enhanced measures to ensure the safety of students and staff – and to support efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. These are many of the same measures that were in place last year. Schools have spent time over the past few days familiarizing students once again with these protocols designed to keep us all safe.

As an additional measure, schools have a supply of COVID-19 rapid test kits available to students and staff. Here’s Public Health’s advice on when schools should offer a rapid test:

  • If a student or staff member is feeling unwell or develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should be sent home and offered a COVID-19 rapid test. They should test again 48 hours after the first test and follow the isolation guidance available here: https://backtoschool.ednet.ns.ca/kidcovidtest.
  • Public Health does not recommend testing for people who have recovered from COVID-19 within the past 90 days. Students or staff who have recently recovered from COVID-19 are encouraged to decline the school tests. If they develop symptoms within a 3-month period, they should stay home until the symptoms have improved and have no fever for at least 24 hours.
  • If a barrier to access is identified by students or staff, principals can distribute a rapid testing kit.

During the week of January 24, Public Health anticipates an increase in the supply and availability of rapid test kits for schools. Given the potential for ongoing COVID-19 exposures, students and staff may choose to test up to twice per week regardless of symptoms. Test kits will be replenished on a regular basis.

Please remember to complete the COVID-19 Daily Checklist before sending your child(ren) to school each morning. If they are sick or have symptoms of COVID-19, keep them home. We all have a role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses.

Your support is key to keeping our schools and communities safe. Our shared health remains our shared responsibility.

Thank you and stay well,

Elwin LeRoux
Regional Executive Director