Waverley Memorial

Friday Update on potential impacts of Hurricane Fiona this weekend

Friday Update:


At 11 am, provincial officials issued an emergency alert indicating that Hurricane Fiona would hit Nova Scotia this evening with damaging winds, heavy rain, and dangerous storm surge. Nova Scotians are advised to stay indoors and listen for further updates from officials.

I would strongly encourage you to follow these directions. In support of this alert:
• All schools and buildings within the Halifax Regional Centre for Education will be closed as of 6:00 p.m. Friday, September 23, 2022, and will remain closed throughout the weekend.
• All extra-curricular and/or community activities, including school sports, are cancelled for this weekend.
After the storm
Once it is safe, our Operations team will inspect all schools to determine if there are any impacts on our ability to open on Monday. We will also speak with Nova Scotia Power, provincial and municipal emergency officials, and our transportation providers.

If there are going to be any cancellations or delays, we will share this information in a number of different ways. We recognize any decisions to close a school or schools has an impact on families so we share any information as soon as a decision has been made.

How will we let you know?
If there are any impacts (delays or cancellations) to a school or schools, you can expect to find the information in the following ways:
• On our website at www.hrce.ca
• On Twitter at Twitter.com/HRCE_NS
• By calling our information line at 902-464-INFO (4636)
• On the radio (All local radio stations are informed)
• We will send an e-mail to all parents/guardians with email addresses in PowerSchool.

Take care and stay safe this weekend.

Elwin LeRoux
Regional Executive Director of Education


Thursday Update:


Our region is expected to receive significant rainfall and hurricane-force winds over the weekend which could impact school opening on Monday. The weather is also very likely to result in postponement and cancellation of school events and activities planned for the weekend.

In advance of the storm, our Operations team has been working with school staff to ensure all our buildings are secure. We also have plans in place once the storm passes and it is safe, to inspect each building.

We have no way of knowing if Hurricane Fiona will impact school opening on Monday but a few minutes spent on preparation is never time wasted.

Does your child have any items at school that they will need at home in the event their school is closed? If so, they should bring those home when they leave school tomorrow.

Your child’s school will share information about any changes to activities and events that are scheduled.

We will provide families with a further update on Friday.

Take care and have a good evening.

Elwin LeRoux
Regional Executive Director of Education