Waverley Memorial

Community Health Programs for families

Dreaming of better sleep?

Research shows that quality sleep helps to improve physical and mental health.  However, over 1/3 of adults say they do not get a good night’s sleep!  One way we can improve our sleep is to keep a consistent sleep schedule.  For help creating a sleep schedule, click here to check out this helpful online resource.

Interested in learning more about ways to improve your sleep?  Click HERE to register for a FREE program on Building Better Sleep.

• Tuesday March 26         9:30-11:30am           Bedford CHT (Bedford Place Mall)
• Wednesday March 27    1:30-3:30pm             Dartmouth CHT (Tacoma Drive)
• Thursday March 28        1:30-3:30pm             Chebucto CHT (Spryfield Wellness Center)

Group wellness programs are open to all residents of the greater Halifax area age 18 or older with a valid Nova Scotia health card. 
To find out more about our many programs and to register, open the attached flyer or click HERE.

If you are having trouble registering online, or if you don’t have a health card and would like to discuss which group programs you may be able to attend, call 902-460-4560 (ext. 1 for Bedford/Sackville, ext. 2 for Chebucto, ext. 3 for Dartmouth and ext. 4 for Halifax Peninsula). 

The flyer with a listing of all programs is attached along with a poster listing our  programs.

Building Better Sleep
Your Heart Matters
Healthy Eating 101
Explore the Mediterranean Diet
Food and Mood
Be Good to Your Gut
Mindful Movement
Ready, Set Move
Move More for Better Health
Stretching and Balance
Time Management and Well Being
Introduction to Self-Compassion
Self-Compassion Series
Incredible Years Preschool
Ideas into Action.  Small Steps, Big Success

Understand Pain
Introduction to Beyond Weight
Beginners Guide to Plant-Based Eating
Discover Your Strengths
Incredible Years School Age
Mental Health First Aid – Adults Interacting with Youth

FREE WELLNESS NAVIGATION – available to residents of the greater Halifax area
Everyone needs a little help sometimes…
Wellness navigation helps you identify what’s getting in the way of your health and connects you to available resources in your community and online.  This is a free non-urgent service for individuals, families and youth offered by health professionals and is available to residents of the greater Halifax area with a valid NS health card. 

Appointments can take place in person, by phone, or Zoom for Healthcare.  To speak to someone to see if a navigation is a good choice for you, call 902-460-4560 and choose option 1 for Bedford, 2 for Chebucto, 3 for Dartmouth or 4 for Halifax.

For more information on the Community Health Team, check out www.CommunityHealthTeams.ca

Your Bedford/Sackville Community Health Team.