Waverley Memorial

This Week at WMES - January 17th - 21st

This week at WMES
January 17 – 21

Dear Families:

It has been so great to have students back in school this week.  There’s been cohorting, masking and lots of hand washing; but there has also been laughter, learning, and lots of fun. It is great to be together. 


A big shout out to our staff who are going above and beyond daily, and a bit thank you to all of you for keeping your kids home when they aren’t feeling well to help to keep us safe at school. 

We are very pleased to welcome our new Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Oldford to our team this week. 
Mrs. Oldford will be with us on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Some Morning Drop Off notes:

  • Our morning buses have been arriving a bit later than they were in the Fall due to weather and staffing.  Please do not drive into the larger loop before 7:55am, unless directed to by a staff member. 
  • Please remember that our “Kiss and Go” loop is for quick drop offs, and you should not be exiting your car.  There will be staff members there to assist students getting out between 7:40 and 7:55am. 
  • If you need to get out of your car to help your child, we ask that you pull into a parking spot in our lower, or upper parking lot (off School Street), or wait until 8:55am to pull into the larger loop so the buses can arrive and disembark safely. 
  • If a bus pulls in late and you are in the bus loop, we ask that you not move your vehicle until the bus has completed disembarking and has moved on.
    Thanks for your patience, and for helping us keep our students safe.

If your family is isolating and in need of assistance in any way, food deliveries, testing kits, etc., please let us know. We can refer you to HRCE support staff who are able to help.

We also typically have some fresh fruit and applesauce cups in the office for students who haven’t had time to have breakfast, or who need an extra snack.  We can send some home if you are unable to get out and could use some.  Please reach out if you need some support. 

Take care everyone and stay safe!


Please find below some helpful resources that have been links in other communications that you may have missed: