Waverley Memorial

Transportation Update - January 28th (emailed to families today)


Dear Families,

I am writing with an update on busing.

We continue to ensure your child, and every other student, is delivered to school every day.

To meet this commitment, some bus drivers have multiple routes. This can take extra time and often causes delays. We know this is not ideal and continue to work with our contractors to improve daily service, especially through driver recruitment.

We will also continue to follow public health guidance on our buses. These measures include:
- Mandatory masks
- Regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces
- Opening windows
- Loading students back to front and encouraging members of the same household to sit together

We encourage students and families to maintain social distancing while waiting for the bus, boarding/exiting the vehicle and when seated. Social distancing is not always possible - wearing a mask at all times is important.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Student Transportation Team at transportation@hrce.ca or by phone at 902-431-4723. We are here to help you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.


Mark Mendoza
HRCE Transportation Coordinator